Sharples Davies have been working with Plasson for over 15 years. The relationship stretches back to Jeff Hulme recruiting for Area Sales Managers and finding the current Sales & Marketing Manager that would replace Geoff Watkins.
Simon Merckel on Why Sharples Davies: I have experience of working with Sharples Davies on both as a candidate and as a client. I first ‘met’ Jeff when looking for a new position, in the late 90’s. The Sharples Davies difference – there was far more personal interaction and understanding regarding what I was looking for. It wasn’t a bums on seats approach that is regularly experienced elsewhere. It was clear that any role put forward had been considered not only from the client side, but was potentially the right fit for me personally.
As a candidate, there has always been excellent assistance / guidance during the recruitment process… The Sharples Davies ethos is to really know the person they are putting forward for a role, which enables them to add value to both sides of the process.
Jeff was responsible for facilitating the role I have now been in for 13 years. Initially, I was not so keen, but Jeff knew that the role on offer was something he obviously felt I could be suited to. On the third approach, I took the plunge to look into things further. The rest as they say, is history!
When it came to needing to recruit, it made complete sense to use Gareth and the team as I could be sure what they were going to bring to the table.
What did you ask Sharples Davies to recruit? Sharples Davies have assisted with several vacancies for Plasson, all Area Sales Managers. Different regions of the UK often require different personalities, and there is always a focus on the specifics when providing a brief. Starting with a general brief, which invariably raises many questions, the Sharples Davies team ensure they are clear on what is required and again add value by bringing their considerably knowledge of our industry to the table with guidance and suggestions.
Simon Merckel thoughts on this recruitment: The team are always ready to receive straight forward and direct feedback and for me, most importantly, understand and learn as we go through the process deciding on which candidates to take forward for interview and thereby making any ‘adjustments’ required as the recruitment selection takes place.
One of the key areas over and above any candidates skills and abilities to carry out the role is how will they fit in to and work with the Plasson team and will Plasson suit them. Having a longstanding relationship with Sharples Davies means Gareth, Jo and the team are at an advantaging with knowing which candidates to put forward from the beginning.