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    Joanna Hulme

    Our longest serving member of the team joining Sharples Davies in 2005. Jo’s responsibilities are split from Finance, HR & Recruitment. As a consultant she is responsible for working on assignments from Start to finish, interviewing candidates, visiting clients and attending exhibitions. In 2015 after 10 years of hard work and commitment Jo was made Finance & HR Director responsible for accounts, forecasting, reporting and most importantly paying the wages.

    Jo’s parents are Polish, she grew up in Dubai so has had a diverse childhood. She met her Husband (who is our Managing Director) at University and now have two children Noah & Jessica and two Cocker Spaniel Puppies Reggie and Kobe who keep them on their toes.

    Fun Facts about Jo:

    Her first language is Polish (she only started speaking English when she went to Nursery). Lived in Dubai as a teenager when it was all dirt tracks & villas.

    TV Show: Friends, MasterChef, Good Doctor, Yellowstone, just love a good series.
    Sport: Gymnastics
    Film: Dirty Dancing
    Music: Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Fleetwood Mac – love a Power Ballad
    Likes: Shopping, Reading (Crime & Psychological Thrillers) & Going for meals out
    Dislikes: Spiders, Bananas
    Technology: Kindle
    Couldn’t live without: Gareth, Noah, Jessie & of course my doggies Reggie & Kobe
    Drink: Gin, Porn Star Martini’s and Water
    Food: Camembert & Crusty Bread, Pasta – but likes most things
    Advice: Don’t worry be happy

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